Monday, July 9, 2012
I'm 4 Months Old
I'm 4 months old now. Mommy is sad that time is flying by too quickly. I have grown so much since I've been born. I'm almost 19lbs and 26 1/2 inches tall. I wear size 6 - 9 month clothes. I smile and laugh all the time. I talk all day long. I can almost roll over - brother is showing me the ropes on this one. I've come so far since my colic days as a newborn. I am teething now, but Dr Mike says I probably won't cut a tooth for at least another month or so. I can't seem too keep my fingers out of my mouth. In fact, I grab for anything to put in my mouth. I still like to nap several times during the day, but I stay awake much longer as I am more alert now. I love watching TV and looking at all the bright colors. Mommy will be going back to work in about a month, so I am enjoying every last minute while I can have her with me all day long. I'm going to miss her, but I think she's going to miss me more. I know I'll be having fun with Yolanda and my brother while Mommy and Daddy are at work. Oh boy, I can't wait to see what the next few months hold for me....