

Monday, July 9, 2012

I'm 4 Months Old

I'm 4 months old now. Mommy is sad that time is flying by too quickly. I have grown so much since I've been born. I'm almost 19lbs and 26 1/2 inches tall. I wear size 6 - 9 month clothes. I smile and laugh all the time. I talk all day long. I can almost roll over - brother is showing me the ropes on this one. I've come so far since my colic days as a newborn. I am teething now, but Dr Mike says I probably won't cut a tooth for at least another month or so. I can't seem too keep my fingers out of my mouth. In fact, I grab for anything to put in my mouth. I still like to nap several times during the day, but I stay awake much longer as I am more alert now. I love watching TV and looking at all the bright colors. Mommy will be going back to work in about a month, so I am enjoying every last minute while I can have her with me all day long. I'm going to miss her, but I think she's going to miss me more. I know I'll be having fun with Yolanda and my brother while Mommy and Daddy are at work. Oh boy, I can't wait to see what the next few months hold for me....

Sunday, July 8, 2012

My 1st Visit to the Beach

Today was my first visit to the beach - Newport Beach. We visited daddy's surf spot. We've driven past the beach and ocean several times, but this was the first time we stopped and I was able to put my toes in the sand. It was so nice, now I know why my daddy and brother love the beach. I can't wait to get in the water and catch some waves with my daddy and brother.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July 2012

Today was my first 4th of July. We spent the day at Grandma's house with my entire family. My brother and my dad went swimming with my cousins. I had a relaxed day napping and enjoying the company. When it came time for fireworks, I was too tired to stay up. Maybe next year, I'll stay up to see the fireworks with the rest of the family.